Gadding About in France

blog_31_may_2014After a pretty long journey with little or no sleep, a stop over to rest in Toulouse, Karen Burns and I are finally here in Durfort, France where we will spend the next week hosting out students on a Photography, Photoshop and Digital Painting adventure in Lovely Languedoc.

After some driving around and stops to scout and scope out the area we are thrilled with all the photo fodder there is to find…..

Stay tuned for some pretty pictures……

joanne thieme huffman - Lovely photo. I’m looking forward to the coming pictures.

Chris - Well, it won’t do any good to try to stop the comments, if you’re going to post photos with turquoise shutters in them.

So. How long before the two of you drove each other crazy and one of you go out on the side of the road and asked strangers for directions in a French accent? HUH?!

I’m just going by my own friendship history. Maybe this didn’t happen to you guys at all.

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Far Away Places and Other News

blog_27_may_2014Well I am getting ready to pack my bag and head off to the South of France with Karen Burns to teach a week long workshop on Photography, Photoshop and Digital Painting.  To say that I am excited is and understatement.  In lieu of that I have changed the model/nude photo head back to the landscapy one and played with another of my images shot in Venice.  Although the weather in Durfort, France looks a little iffy (with rain in the forecast) I am hopeful we will be able grab some stellar shots.

The other exciting news for the week is that I have been invited to join the Creative Crew at Studio 51 here in Charlotte.  They are an extremely talented bunch of photographers and I am well flattered that they sought to bring me into their fold.  I am really looking forward to shooting with them and developing some new and exiting Meetups which will include some more great Photo-shoppery! So stay tuned!


Joanne Thieme Huffman - Congrats on your invitation. I know you’ll have a great time in France; I envy your students. Travel safely. Bon Voyage.


Chris - This is a beautiful photo. Just amazing. I wish I could copy it and save it on my wall with my signature on it. And write a story about it. I love writing stories around pictures.

Of course, identifying the bodies in the boat would probably cause an uproar, but still.

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Beautiful Things

Historically the Masters painted landscapes, portraits to record the moment and then a plethora of beautiful women.  In the digital age our images are much less hard wrought, a simple snap of the shutter to capture the moment instead of hours bent over a canvas.

But in some ways the intent varies little.  One’s eye is always drawn to beauty and the thrall off it never fades …..

blog_23_may_2014Featuring Viktoria.

And on another note, a scant week until I head off to France with Karen Burns to teach our Photography, Postprocessing and Digital Painting Workshop.  NO I have not packed my bag yet but given that I will be in France for a week and then Germany for a week after that I think  will start a day early! Ha!

Joanne Thieme Huffman - beauty is beauty wherever it is found; and more beautiful when shared.

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Painted Pink

blog_21_may_2014Just in case you were mildly concerned about the plethora of people pics (dressed or not) of late I thought I’d change the pace and paint a bit.

I’m not quite the Corel Diva that my friend and teaching partner Karen Burns is, preferring mostly to concoct my painterly diversions in Photoshop but I do enjoy the process and end results and am really looking forward to visiting France and Germany in the next few weeks and photographing some new vistas and adding some different and diverse images to my collection.

We have a super group of students joining us on our photographic journey in France.  I know that they are already (thinking about) packing their bags…. and hopefully they will stand as good testament to our next adventure in France in 2015!  Details of that workshop will be posted as soon as we return, but FYI a third of the spots are already taken….. even before it’s posted!!

joanne thieme huffman - Stunning.

Chris - So pretty!
And I’m almost at France now. Of course, I have to leave again…

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From Dark to Light

blog_20_may_2014Similar theme but entirely different subjects… and a lot of fun putting the two oh so different models into different environments.

Next week I shall be thinking more along the lines of French countryside, wine, vineyards, scenery, super good coffee and so forth…… and rolling out my rusty French.  I managed to drag it out of the back of my head when I was in Switzerland last year so I daresay it will come back a little faster this time…

And yes, sorry, but the watermark has to cover the NPG bits…..

joanne thieme huffman - Both are great pieces. I’m really looking forward to your posts from France. I know your students are going to have a great time.

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