Crossing Bridges

This is a photo that I managed to snap through the car window as I zoomed across the Arthur Ravenel Bridge in Charleston.  The sun was just “so” and the clouds all moody, making a perfect backdrop for the tension wires of the bridge which gladly lent themselves to a silhouette styled image.

I’m definitely on a Black and White kick at the moment and working in that direction for workshop ideas.

gotham girl - Wow! What timing! How funny…I’m on one of those b&w kicks too! Will be eager to hear your offerings – hoping something on-line!! 🙂

joanne thieme huffman - Striking!

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Expressions of Thailand

”It’s not the photographer that makes the picture, but the person being photographed.” – Sebastiao Salgado

A Fortune Teller and a T-Shirt Seller.  Bangkok, Thailand.

joanne thieme huffman - I think the black and white helps me focus on the character in the faces.

gotham girl - I can so see why you used b&w for these. They are both beautiful. You captured their soul…as you always do!

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North Carolina Weekend – in Pictures

Two straight days without rain and all the folks hereabouts are celebrating heartily!

My version of celebration included another road trip off into the Mountains to Blowing Rock to kill a little time before heading to visit a Rodeo in Blacksburg, SC.  The Hunters and Jumpers show was a fine event, all about primped and pristine horses showing themselves at their restrained and schooled best.

Next, a detour down the Interstates to catch a Rodeo with a different sort of flavour.  Unlike the last one I sought out, this was very commercial with a hefty gate fee and way more restrictions in terms of what you could see and where you could sit/explore/ photograph.

It also took a country age to get started, so for two hours or so I amused myself taking snaps of faces ….

I’m slowly getting used to the “Suthern” thing, where everyone wears a Ten Gallon hat or sports a pair of Cowboy boots (and yes, I do have my own!! – boots that is, not the hat!!)

They also seem enamored with the Confederate Flag and apparently fly it right along side the Stars and Stripes when they can!!

Eventually the Rodeo got started.  By this time it’s way past 8:30pm, the sun has set, the light has gone and I am a TAD “ticked off” as there is next to no light left and picture taking will be a whole big noisy mess…….. since I had to content myself with a spot in the stands, way far from the action and point my lens through a sea of Cowboy hats …..

Nonetheless, it WAS FUN!  They had some Bull riding and Bucking Broncho events that the smaller Rodeo did not so I just  I cranked up the ISO on the camera to 6400, set it to manual and just pushed the shutter speed as hard as I could.

The pix aren’t the greatest as they are pretty noisy and probably have Photo-journalistic merit at best. …. but it was pretty cool to watch the action, enjoy the atmosphere and soak up another slice of life!

joanne thieme huffman - I like seeing the difference in the style of the two events. You may not be happy with the technical aspects of the rodeo shots, but I think they are great action shots.

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More – This Old House, Charleston, SC

Creeping about some of the less than favourable suburbs of Charleston in search of a little Urban Decay last weekend.
There were many houses that were photo worthy but what was disturbing was the fact that many of them, supposedly falling down around their own ears, were in fact inhabited AND someone’s “home” which made it a tad uncomfortable to photograph.  Squatters or Squalor tenants, it was hard to tell but I know if it was me, I would not like folk taking pictures of MY home, so many were left as seen but not snapped.
A lesson in reality and a nod to the God’s that be for the far more comfortable conditions that most of us take for granted.  A less than crumbling roof and windows that are glazed with more than chipboard.

Bren - I commend you for your sensitivity, not all would have been. Indeed we have much to be grateful for, there are so many far worse off. Again, love the painterly effects of this finished piece, very compelling.

Chris - This is so beautiful.

Joanne Thieme Huffman - There is an elegance to your pieces of urban decay. It’s disturbing to think people live in some of these houses, though.

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Old Charleston


Lots of lovely decaying eye candy to be seen in Charleston.  It was amazing how one minute you could be cruising down streets with million dollar houses, pristine facades and gardens manicured to the max –  and in the next breath be amidst block upon blocks of overgrown architectural squalor.

Bren - Love how you made this look like a painting, I’m always drawn to these old buildings, the stories they could tell.

joanne thieme huffman - What a great, evocative photos!

Chris - They’s where all them ghosties live…

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