I’ve discovered in the last few days/weeks, that being an Event Planner is never going to be high on my list of “jobs to do”!
Seeking event space to hold an Photography Workshop has proven to be a testing experience and I have a new found admiration for anyone who tries to host a less than conference style event hereabouts.
Charlotte is a big city, with much space to spare but, as I have discovered, much to my chagrin, only capable of working in concert with those of deep corporate pockets and large tax write-offs and not too interested in the “regular” folk of this world.
The Museums, which are apparently cash strapped, deign not to follow through on phone calls to lease their spaces and hotels want $450.00 a day to rent a TV to show AV presentations – for goodness sakes in addition to the cost of the room rental!
I have also learned that you have to be a bit ballsy and challenge the prices and interestingly enough, there is room for negotiation in many instances.
Anyway, for all the fraught weeks, I’m pleased to say the due diligence is done and I’ve bitten the bullet and written contracts today to host my first workshop here in North Carolina.
At this point I don’t really care if I have 2 or 12 participants in the workshop as so far it’s been a great learning experience and I’m thinking that not too far down the road I will be renting a “proper” studio! Where I can just have “at it” when I want!
gotham girl - What a fabulous capture! I’m sure it’s such a learning experience. So wish I was close to take your class!!
Joanne Thieme Huffman - Maybe I’ll make the trip down south someday to take one of your classes. Love the photo with this post.
Bren - Phew! Not something I ever want to tackle my friend. Good on you for doing so. I hope you have a full crowd, getting word out now will be the trick.
mary bailey - I’m all signed up, Marie Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into setting up this workshop. I know we are going to have a great time!